As the filming of Star Wars in Dubrovnik draws near everybody is very anxious to try and get the best possible information from the ground. We now know some of the areas will be well closed off for the public making it difficult to get a curious eye anywhere near the film set.
This being 2016 there are plenty of technological advances that can allow the fans and paparazzi alike to get a closer look at the action while it’s being filmed. However, for those (and we know you are out there) who think Star Wars Episode VIII filming will be an easy target for camera equipped drones, you are unfortunately sadly mistaken. Dubrovnik set will be guarded by production’s own drones which will have a task of disabling unauthorized camera drones from getting a look at what is going on on the set, as reported by Croatian news portal
Disney seems to have been taking serious notes during the filming of Episode VII as that one was not spared by spying drones, as seen in the following clip:
We can’t help but ask ourselves is the production taking similar steps on other locations as the filming of Star Wars tours the globe.
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