Should the veteran actors in Star Wars The Force Awakens have been paid less? Yes, I know, I’m a bad fan for even suggesting it, but when you take into account the difference in salaries between the new lead characters of Daisy Ridley’s Rey and John Boyega’s Finn on one side and veteran stars like Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill, it’s hard not to ask if the huge difference is fair. This is the question posed by MoviePilot’s Chris Moore in a text that discusses a very interesting point.
Apparently (spoilers for The Force Awakens until the end of paragraph), Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) was paid over $1million for his 30 seconds appearance in Episode VII. This seems like a ridiculous amount of money, but the truth is, the entire story of the movie revolved around his character. He is, after all, the leading protagonist of the original story and perhaps the most important character of the saga. To put this into perspective, Daisy Ridley and John Boyega earned between $100,000 and $300,000 for their roles in The Force Awakens.

Luke Skywalker, photo Lucasfilm
On the other hand, the old guns are the one’s all the hype was about before the movie was released and they are the ones generating a lot of sales for DVDs and various other merchandise. Still, new characters have garnered much sympathy from the fans and it is very likely their price is going to rise for the foreseeable future as well. But yeah… over a million for 30 seconds and no lines, way to go Mr. Hamill.

Mark Hamill, Photo Wikipedia