Well, this was bound to happen – there is a news story out there about someone who actually read the script for Episode VIII and that person has come out with some interesting information about some of the plot details of the movie. The news was published by DigitalSpy quoting Reddit user LouEvilOne and we are hereby bringing you some of the more interesting leaked plot points. Needless to say, there are POTENTIAL SPOILERS for Episode VIII, and are also COMPLETELY UNCONFIRMED. So, here we go…

Exciting stuff ahead, photo Disney
Episode VIII will be called „Echoes of the Dark Side“ – we hope not, it doesn’t sound all that great.
Rey is NOT Luke Skywalker’s daughter, but actually Anakin Skywalker reincarnated
Benicio Del Toro is Lord Vikram, a dictator in charge of running the Republic
Lord Vikram and General Leia are in disagreement about going to war against the First Order
Leia Suspects Vikram is a spy for the First Order and throws him in jail, but it turns out the real culprit is Finn’s love interest – Chala
So… what do you think? Personally, it doesn’t sound all that believable, but who knows. If you are interested, entire list can be found on Reddit